Tragedy, courage and remembrance : Retelling a lost Canadian story
Documentary on Sheldrake Island of the Lost Stories Project
This story was brought to the project by the Sheldrake Commemorative Committee, a group from northeastern New Brunswick determined to make the story of Sheldrake Island in the 1840s better known. Interviews with members of the committee provided inspiration for Marika Drolet Ferguson's art installation that was installed in September 2017 in Tracadie, New Brunswick, where individuals with leprosy were taken after their evacuation from Sheldrake Island.
The installation consists of fifteen photographs, one for each person who died on the island. The photographs focus particularly upon the environment experienced by those confined to Sheldrake Island. The story of that experience and the process leading to Marika's installation are the subject of Julien Cadieux's documentary film, Sheldrake.
Lost StoriesLost Stories - Leprosy on the Sheldrake Island
The Lost Story Project - Center for Oral History and Digital Storytelling (COHDS)